Thursday, April 10, 2014

2014 National Latin Exam Scores

77 Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals (students in this range score in the top 10% nationwide)
34 Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
21 Magna Cum Laude
14 Cum Laude

Special recognition goes to the 18 perfect scores we had, tying the school record we set two years ago:

Latin One: Jackson Moody, Jason Wang, Charlie Evans, Benton Ferebee, Jon Staffel, Chang Yu, Matthew Temple, Jackson Howell, Alexander Goodwin
Latin Two: Tom Wells, Henry Trammell, Brooks Eikner, Aneesh Ram
Latin Three: Witt Fesmire, Patton Orr, Bilal Siddiq, Will McAtee
Latin Four: Richard Ouyang

Congratulations to all of our NLE award winners for all of their hard work.