Sunday, April 27, 2014

2014 Convention Results

It was certainly an eventful weekend in Murfreesboro: two Certamen finals matches coming down to the very last question, a charioteer being thrown from his chariot, and our neighbors to the south hitching a ride home with us after their van was stolen from the parking lot.

In the end, we captured our seventh consecutive TJCL title.  We are very proud of the hard work and dedication of all of the MUS Latin students who made this victory possible.  Special recognition goes to the six MUS students who scored enough points to qualify for the overall top ten out of all of the students at the convention: Patrick Murphy, Will McAtee, Brooks Eikner, Salman Haque, Richard Ouyang, and Jackson Moody.
Full convention results are posted here.  We'll go for eight in a row next year in Gatlinburg.