Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013 National Latin Exam Results

82 Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals
35 Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
30 Magna Cum Laude
14 Cum Laude

Generally speaking, students who score in the top 10-15% nationwide receive gold, and then it scales down from there.

Perfect scores:

Jacob Suppiah (Latin One)
Patton Orr, Chandler Clayton, Dylan Echlin, Forest Colerick, Patrick Murphy, Saatvik Mohan, Will McAtee (Latin Two)
Griffin Wilson, Jack Gray (Latin Three)
William Lamb, Salman Haque, Nick Schwartz (Latin Four)

A special shout-out to Salman Haque for his 4th consecutive perfect score.  There are usually only 4 or 5 students in the nation to achieve this in any given year.  

Congratulations to all of our award recipients for a job well done.