Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2013 Latin Convention Results

Thirty schools attended the 2013 Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention in Murfreesboro this weekend.  MUS survived a serious challenge from Hume-Fogg Academic High School to finish in 1st place overall for the 6th consecutive year.

We had a total of 45 Upper School and Lower School students take part in this competition, and all of them contributed something to this victory.  We were led by 6 students in particular, all of whom scored enough individual points to rank among the top 10 students in the state:
Will McAtee, Patton Orr, William Lamb, Salman Haque, Yunhua Zhao, and Richard Ouyang.

In any sort of competitive activity, it is difficult to be a defending champion.  It is especially difficult to be a five-time defending champion, as we were this year.  We are very proud of our students for working so hard to defend our title.  More importantly, we are also proud of them for behaving appropriately at the convention and for winning with modesty and class.