Friday, November 1, 2019

November 2019

1. The Latin Fall Festivus will take place on Saturday, November 2 from 7:45 AM to 11:55 AM at Houston High School. Contest information is posted on onCampus (on the course bulletin board page), and students should have received an additional information packet in class.

2. MUS AP Latin students recently participated in the ALIRA (ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment), a language proficiency exam administered by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The exam ranks students according to a 10-point proficiency scale. Out of the 16 students in the class, 13 of them earned one of the top two recognitions:

Advanced Rating (highest score possible): Jacob Rickels, Cooper Grinspun, Will Schuessler

Intermediate 5 Rating (next-highest score possible): Samy Paul, Fawwaz Omer, Doug Curtis, Max Shackelford, Walker Burks, Ryan Peng, Cullen Lonergan, Hart Gowen, Edwin Shy, Jack Jabbour

Congratulations to all of these students!

3. The annual Latin Veterani Dinner recently took place, an event that celebrates the progress of "veteran" Latin students in the Memphis area. A group of MUS students from Advanced Readings in Latin and Advanced Placement Latin joined students from St. Mary's, White Station, and Germantown for an evening of fellowship at Pete and Sam's Italian Restaurant. Professor Geoff Bakewell of Rhodes College was the featured speaker.

In the "Elvis Room" at Pete and Sam's.