Saturday, November 30, 2019

December 2019

1. Latin Fall Festivus

A dedicated delegation of 57 Upper and Lower School students resisted the siren song of the College GameDay broadcast on November 2 and performed very well at the 12th Annual Latin Fall Festivus. Full results are posted here.

2. Saturnalia (a celebration of the traditional ancient Roman winter holiday) will be held in the Wunderlich Auditorium during OP on Tuesday, December 3. Refreshments will be served, and the club officers will go over information pertaining to our annual service project. All Upper School and Lower School Latin Club members are encouraged to attend.

3. A total of 35 Upper School students recently participated in the 2019-2020 Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest. Last year, we did not receive the results of this competition until the end of April, so it will be quite a while until we hear anything.

4. Semester exams for the Department of Classical and Modern Languages will be administered on Wednesday, December 18.

Friday, November 1, 2019

November 2019

1. The Latin Fall Festivus will take place on Saturday, November 2 from 7:45 AM to 11:55 AM at Houston High School. Contest information is posted on onCampus (on the course bulletin board page), and students should have received an additional information packet in class.

2. MUS AP Latin students recently participated in the ALIRA (ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment), a language proficiency exam administered by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The exam ranks students according to a 10-point proficiency scale. Out of the 16 students in the class, 13 of them earned one of the top two recognitions:

Advanced Rating (highest score possible): Jacob Rickels, Cooper Grinspun, Will Schuessler

Intermediate 5 Rating (next-highest score possible): Samy Paul, Fawwaz Omer, Doug Curtis, Max Shackelford, Walker Burks, Ryan Peng, Cullen Lonergan, Hart Gowen, Edwin Shy, Jack Jabbour

Congratulations to all of these students!

3. The annual Latin Veterani Dinner recently took place, an event that celebrates the progress of "veteran" Latin students in the Memphis area. A group of MUS students from Advanced Readings in Latin and Advanced Placement Latin joined students from St. Mary's, White Station, and Germantown for an evening of fellowship at Pete and Sam's Italian Restaurant. Professor Geoff Bakewell of Rhodes College was the featured speaker.

In the "Elvis Room" at Pete and Sam's.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

October 2019

1. The Latin Club membership period has ended. We have a total of 119 students signed up this year - an excellent number. T-shirts, magnets, and hoodies should be available in a couple of weeks.

2. The Memphis-Area Latin Veterani Dinner will take place on Monday, October 28. This is open to Latin Four and Latin Five students only. Students who would like to attend need to pay ($15.00, cash or check made out to MUS) by Tuesday, October 1.

3. The Latin Fall Festivus will take place at Houston High School on Saturday, November 2. A preliminary information packet has been posted to the onCampus Bulletin Board. This event is open to all current Latin Club members (Upper School and Lower School). There is a registration fee, but we will take the money from club dues, so there is no need to bring in any additional payment. Students who want to attend, however, do need to sign up. Sign-ups will take place in class before Fall Break.

General information about the tradition of the Latin Fall Festivus is posted here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 2019

Welcome back to another year of Latin at MUS! All students should have received a handout with information about special events and competitions for the 2019-2020 school year. The deadline for returning the Latin Club sign-up sheet with a parent signature is Friday, September 20, 2019. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Another banner year for the Latin program at 6191 Park Avenue . . . literally and figuratively. Thanks for a great year!

Thursday, May 9, 2019


The 7th Annual Lower School Trigon Championship was recently held in Thomas Amphitheater. (Trigon was a ball game played by the ancient Romans.) More information about this year's championship is posted here.

Mr. Ted Fockler, in action during the faculty undercard.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

2019 TJCL Convention

A total of 32 schools from around the state gathered in Chattanooga this weekend for the 63rd annual convention of the Tennessee Junior Classical League. I am pleased to report that MUS finished in 1st place overall for the 12th consecutive year. 

A dedicated group of 41 Upper School and Lower School students made up the MUS delegation, and all of them contributed in some way to the 1421 points that we scored as a team. 

Some highlights:
  • Top scorers for MUS were Kerry Zhao, Mark Hieatt, Will Schuessler, and Forest Rudd, all of whom scored enough points to finish in the individual top ten.
  • The Latin Two Certamen team won 1st place.
  • Akbar Latif was elected as 1st Vice-President of TJCL for the 2019-2020 school year, the first time in almost a decade that MUS will have a student officer in this organization.
The Championship Trophy
The Spirit Contest

A final Certamen practice in the hotel lobby. The NFL draft provided only a modest distraction.

2019 CAMWS Latin Translation Contest

We have received the results of the 2019 Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest, a competition that took place back in November.

A total of 26 MUS students received recognition in this year's contest. MUS had more winners than all of the other schools in Tennessee combined.

Approximately 1000 high school students from around the CAMWS region participated in this year's competition. Generally speaking, the cash award winners score in the top 2 to 3 percent, the book award winners represent the top 5 to 6 percent, and the students who earn certificates of commendation score in the top 20 percent.

Latin Two:

Cash Award: Mark Hieatt
Book Award: Kerry Zhao, Forest Rudd, Turner Bishop
Certificates of Commendation: Collin Craft, Matthew Mellone, Jack Zaptin

Latin Three:

Cash Awards: Hart Gowen, Ryan Peng 
Book Award: Max Shackelford
Certificates of Commendation: Cooper Grinspun, Will Schuessler, J.P. Wood, Fawwaz Omer, Walker Burks, Cullen Lonergan, Watts Miller, Samy Paul, Holden Pate

Latin Four:

Cash Award: Rob McFadden
Book Awards: Arjun Puri, Reid Chandler, Kyle Koester
Certificates of Commendation: Will Portera, Gregory Guo, Jonathan Huang

Friday, April 19, 2019

Convention Update

All students going to convention should have received a packet of final announcements and reminders. We have a mandatory meeting scheduled for these students on Tuesday, April 23 in the Wunderlich Auditorium during OP.

These students are also encouraged to sign up for TJCL updates via text. Details - and other information - are posted here.

Friday, April 12, 2019

National Latin Exam Results

We have received the results of the 2019 National Latin Exam:

75  Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals
33  Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
24  Magna Cum Laude
11  Cum Laude

Generally speaking, the top 10 to 15% of students nationwide earn Summa Cum Laude, the next 10 to 15% receive Maxima, and so forth. Everyone who scores above the national average qualifies for one of the four awards.

Special recognition goes to the students who earned perfect scores this year:

Latin One: Kevin Ma, Varun Krishnamurthi, Jaxon Hammond
Latin Two: Forest Rudd, Simeon Betapudi, Collin Craft
Latin Three: J.P. Wood, Fawwaz Omer, Max Shackelford
Congratulations to all of the students who received recognition in this year's contest!

Monday, March 25, 2019

April in Tennessee

It's almost the month of April, which can only mean one thing . . . Latin Language Appreciation Month in the state of Tennessee.

This marks the sixth consecutive year that the MUS Latin program has successfully petitioned the governor to make this proclamation. The pronouncement, signed by Governor Bill Lee, affirms the value of Latin and recognizes the MUS student-created motto “Musica e Montibus Fluit” (“Music Flows from the Mountains”) as the honorary state motto for the month of April.

Latin Club Co-Consuls Ty Williams and Loyd Templeton

Thursday, February 28, 2019

National Latin Exam

The 2019 National Latin Exam will take place Wednesday, March 6 from 2:15 to 3:15 PM in Hyde Chapel. This is required for all current MUS Latin students, from Latin One through Latin Five.

In addition to the review and practice being done in class, students are encouraged to take advantage of the resources on the NLE website (including, but not limited to, the NLE Practice App).

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Elvis As Classical Hero

In celebration of the centennial of the American Classical League, there will be a special event this weekend at the Guesthouse at Graceland: "Elvis As Classical Hero." Three professors from Rhodes College will speak about the connections between Elvis and the classical world. After the presentation, there will be a reception and a group photograph in front of the Graceland mansion.

There is no fee for the event, but parking will cost $5.00.

Saturday, February 23
Guesthouse at Graceland
Ballroom DE
11:00 AM

Friday, February 8, 2019

Latin Convention

Students are receiving information in class this week about the upcoming TJCL State Convention. This is open to both Upper School and Lower School students who meet the participation and eligibility requirements. The sign-up deadline is Friday, February 22.

The official TJCL packet is posted here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Italy Trip

There is a meeting scheduled for students and parents interested in the next MUS Latin trip to Italy (Spring Break of 2020):

Tuesday, February 12
6:00 PM
Dunavant Lecture Hall (Lower School auditorium)

This trip is open to students who will be in Latin Two and Latin Three next school year (i.e., current Latin One and Latin Two students).

Questions? Please contact Mr. Gagliano.

NJCL Exams

Congratulations to the MUS Latin students who earned medals in the NJCL Classical Etymology Exam:

Latin One: Charles Hamlett and Jack Knighton - Bronze

Latin Two: Kerry Zhao, Mark Hieatt, and Matthew Mellone - Gold; Collin Craft, Evan Jones, Simeon Betapudi, and Forest Rudd - Silver; Jack Zaptin - Bronze

Latin Three: Cullen Lonergan - Gold; Fawwaz Omer - Bronze

Anyone who would like to participate in the two remaining NJCL online exams needs to email Mr. Gagliano this week. These are optional activities, open to any Lower School or Upper School students who joined the Latin Club.

Friday, January 4, 2019


Upper Level Certamen practice (i.e., Certamen for students in Latin Three, Four, and Five) will take place Monday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:00 PM in US 216. We will begin Monday, January 7.

Students at any level of Latin who would like to prepare for the Latin convention in April are encouraged to attend.