Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Upcoming Convention-Related Meetings

We have a number of meetings coming up for the students who will be attending the TJCL State Convention:

Room Request Meeting for Upper School Students:
Tuesday, March 27
Mr. Sellers’s office

Olympika / Chariot Race Organizational Meeting:
Wednesday, March 28
2:20 PM
Coach Torrey’s office
This is for both US and LS students. 

Room Request Meeting for Lower School Students:
Thursday, March 29 – immediately after assembly
LS 106

Mythology Spelling Bee Tryout:
Wednesday, April 4
2:20 PM
US 216 with Mrs. Reinhardt
This is for both US and LS students.

Final Pre-Convention Meeting:
Tuesday, April 17
Wunderlich Auditorium
This is mandatory for all US and LS students.