Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Latin Language Appreciation Month

It's almost the month of April, which can only mean one thing . . . Latin Language Appreciation Month in the state of Tennessee. This marks the fifth consecutive year that the MUS Latin program has successfully petitioned Governor Haslam to make this proclamation.

Cooper Grinspun, Chang Yu, and Rob McFadden display the official proclamation

2018 Latin Language Appreciation Month

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Upcoming Convention-Related Meetings

We have a number of meetings coming up for the students who will be attending the TJCL State Convention:

Room Request Meeting for Upper School Students:
Tuesday, March 27
Mr. Sellers’s office

Olympika / Chariot Race Organizational Meeting:
Wednesday, March 28
2:20 PM
Coach Torrey’s office
This is for both US and LS students. 

Room Request Meeting for Lower School Students:
Thursday, March 29 – immediately after assembly
LS 106

Mythology Spelling Bee Tryout:
Wednesday, April 4
2:20 PM
US 216 with Mrs. Reinhardt
This is for both US and LS students.

Final Pre-Convention Meeting:
Tuesday, April 17
Wunderlich Auditorium
This is mandatory for all US and LS students.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

2018 CAMWS Latin Translation Contest

We have received the results of the 2018 Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest.

1036 students from 56 schools in 19 states (and one European country) participated this year. Out of these 1036 students, there was a grand total of one perfect score, and it belonged to one of our students: Rob McFadden (Latin Three).

MUS had more students recognized than any other school in Tennessee. The full list of MUS winners:

Latin Two:

Book Award (given to top 3% of students at this level): Cooper Grinspun
Certificate of Commendation (top 20%): Max Shackelford, Fawwaz Omer, Warren Barry, Hart Gowen, Will Schuessler, Watts Miller

Latin Three:

Cash Award (top 2%): Rob McFadden (perfect score), Arjun Puri, Reid Chandler
Book Award: (top 4%): Kyle Koester
Certificate of Commendation (top 20%): Will Portera, Michael Gayoso, Charlie Eason, Jack Wellford, Jonathan Huang, Gregory Guo, Seth Richey

Latin Four:

Book Award (top 6%): Loyd Templeton, Ty Williams
Certificate of Commendation (top 20%): Ethan Lam, Henry Wood, Brandan Roachell, Warren Turner, Ethan Hurst, Zuhair Somjee

Latin Five: 

Certificate of Commendation (top 20%) - Chang Yu

Congratulations to all of these students!

Monday, March 5, 2018

National Latin Exam

The National Latin Exam will take place this Wednesday, March 7 from 2:15 to 3:15 PM in Hyde Chapel. This is required for all current Upper School and Lower School Latin students.

In addition to the review and practice being done in class, students should also take advantage of the NLE Practice App.