Thursday, March 20, 2014

Latin Honor Society

According to my records, these students have qualified for the Latin Honor Society this year.  If I have left anyone off the list by mistake, please let me know ASAP.  Students must be JCL members and must have an A average in Latin (Q1 + Q2 + EX1 + Q3 / 4).  This list does NOT include the students of Mr. Suddarth, Mr. Gagliano, or Mrs. Reinhardt.

Latin One:  Sam Payne, Javan Smith, Charlie Evans, Jimmy Morrow, Jacob Webb

Latin Three:  Chandler Clayton, Forest Colerick, Owen Galvin, Eric Makapugay, Patrick Murphy, Patton Orr, Colin Threlkeld, Nathan Dinh, Dylan Echlin, Witt Fesmire, Philip Freeburg, Will McAtee, Bilal Siddiq, Henry T. Stratton, Daniel Tancredi

AP:  Baty Daniel, Jack Gray, Ashish Kumar, Jack Mullins, Richard Ouyang, Garret Sullivan, Sherman Tabor, Griffin Wilson, Christian Yarwood, Yunhua Zhao

Congratulations to all of these students for a job well done.  We will recognize the Upper School students during a school awards assembly in April.  The Lower School students will be recognized during a separate Lower School ceremony in May.