Monday, March 24, 2014

2014 Trigon Tournament

Many people around the country right now are focused on their brackets for the NCAA men's basketball tournament . . . but they should be focused on their brackets for a much more important tournament - the MUS Lower School Trigon Championship.

Click here for a copy of the Sellers region of the bracket and a description of the rules of trigon, a Roman ball game mentioned by classical authors such as Petronius and Martial.

The finals are tentatively set for Tuesday, May 6.

Josh Gray, the 2013 champion

Convention Tryouts

Wednesday, April 9 - immediately after school

1. Olympika - Meet Coach Torrey in his office

2. Mythology Spelling Bee / Principal Parts Bee - Meet me in LS 106

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Latin Honor Society

According to my records, these students have qualified for the Latin Honor Society this year.  If I have left anyone off the list by mistake, please let me know ASAP.  Students must be JCL members and must have an A average in Latin (Q1 + Q2 + EX1 + Q3 / 4).  This list does NOT include the students of Mr. Suddarth, Mr. Gagliano, or Mrs. Reinhardt.

Latin One:  Sam Payne, Javan Smith, Charlie Evans, Jimmy Morrow, Jacob Webb

Latin Three:  Chandler Clayton, Forest Colerick, Owen Galvin, Eric Makapugay, Patrick Murphy, Patton Orr, Colin Threlkeld, Nathan Dinh, Dylan Echlin, Witt Fesmire, Philip Freeburg, Will McAtee, Bilal Siddiq, Henry T. Stratton, Daniel Tancredi

AP:  Baty Daniel, Jack Gray, Ashish Kumar, Jack Mullins, Richard Ouyang, Garret Sullivan, Sherman Tabor, Griffin Wilson, Christian Yarwood, Yunhua Zhao

Congratulations to all of these students for a job well done.  We will recognize the Upper School students during a school awards assembly in April.  The Lower School students will be recognized during a separate Lower School ceremony in May.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Convention Delegate List

The list of students signed up to attend the convention is posted here.  If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know as soon as possible.  (Yes, it is too late to sign up.)

Upper Level Certamen

Mr. Suddarth reports that Upper Level Certamen (Latin Three, Four, and Five) will be practicing on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 7:30 AM in room S2.  All students in these classes who are going to the convention are encouraged to attend.  The first practice will be this Friday, March 21.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Italy Trip

Below is a picture of the twenty MUS Latin students who traveled to Italy last week with Ms. Reinhardt and me.  We had a great trip, and we commend the students for their deportment.

This trip provides students with an excellent opportunity to study the rich cultural legacy of the ancient Romans in a manner that is impossible to reproduce in the classroom.  (In other words, you'll learn a lot more by visiting the Villa Iovis or the Arch of Titus in person than you can learn simply by reading about them in a textbook.)  The next trip is tentatively scheduled for spring break of 2016.  It will be offered to students in Latin Two and Latin Three. 
On the steps of the Temple of Ceres in Ostia (with our tour manager Sergio)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

NLE Update

The National Latin Exam is still on for Wednesday after school.

Obviously, missing Monday and Tuesday because of weather is not good in terms of final review and preparation in class.  All students need to review on their own by taking advantage of the practice questions, syllabi, and previous exams posted on the NLE website.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

National Latin Exam

The NLE will be this Wednesday, March 5, immediately after school in Hyde Chapel.  We should be finished by 3:15 PM.

Everyone should bring two sharpened #2 pencils.  Students in Upper School Latin classes should report to the front steps of the Chapel and line up alphabetically by level of Latin.  Lower School students should report to the side door (i.e., the one Lower Schoolers usually use to enter the Chapel) and line up alphabetically by teacher.

In addition to the review and practice that we have been doing in class, everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the new review application that the NLE has put online.

Go for the NLE Gold!