Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Course Selection

All of my current Latin One and Latin Three students need to come to my office to pick up a language course selection sheet for next year. This should be done by Friday, January 29. The sheet should be returned to me by Friday, February 12.

Options for current Latin One students:

Accelerated Latin Two
Accelerated Spanish One
Regular Spanish One
Regular French One

To qualify for either accelerated class, the student needs to have at least a B+ in Latin One. (Accelerated classes are more challenging, but they do come with a GPA boost. All Upper School Latin classes are classified as accelerated.) For motivated students who can handle six academic classes, it is perfectly fine to sign up for more than one language.

As for the Latin Three students, for most of them, Latin Three satisfies the graduation requirement. For those who want to continue in Latin, there are two options:

Advanced Placement Latin (at least a B+ in Latin Three is recommended)
Advanced Readings in Latin (a course designed for students who want / need a fourth year of Latin on their transcript but who do not feel prepared for the demands of AP)