Monday, June 7, 2021

The End of the Road

The service that facilitates the email subscription feature of this blog is set to be terminated in July of 2021. Since automatic email notifications for subscribers will no longer be possible, therefore, The Bubones Blog is hereby discontinued. 

This blog, in its current format, was established in 2013. During this time, the blog has received over 21,000 page views, and an average of 159 people have subscribed to its posts each year. Archives will continue to live on the internet . . . or at least for as long as the Blogspot domain survives.

The original purpose of this blog was to keep parents up-to-date on things happening within the MUS Latin program. This is still, of course, a very important objective, and going forward, I'll be sure to accomplish this through other modes of communication.

Valete, lectores!

Monday, May 3, 2021

May 2021

1. A total of 151 MUS Upper School and Lower School students earned awards on the 2021 National Latin Exam:

8 perfect scores
60 Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals
52 Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
26 Magna Cum Laude
13 Cum Laude

More information is posted here.

2. Three MUS students earned recognition in the Bernice Fox Classics Writing Contest. More information is posted here.

3. A total of 39 MUS Upper School and Lower School students earned awards at the 2021 Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention. TJCL did not issue any overall school awards this year, but we are proud of our students for continuing the MUS tradition of excellence in this long-running state competition.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 2021

1. The Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention is still scheduled for Friday, April 16. Although the convention is virtual again this year, we will do our best to make it an in-person, community experience during lunch and X-Block that day.

2. National Latin Exam results should arrive within the next couple of weeks.

Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2021

1. The National Latin Exam will be administered this week during X-Block:

Tuesday, March 2: Latin One
Thursday, March 4: Latin Two through Five

In addition to the review and practice taking place in class, students should also take advantage of the NLE Practice App.

2. A total of 62 MUS Upper School and Lower School students signed up for the virtual 2021 Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention. More information is posted here

3. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South recently announced a postponement of the CAMWS Latin Translation Contest for the 4th time this school year. Since our focus needs to be on the NLE and TJCL right now, we have decided not to participate . . . when or if the contest happens for 2020-2021. We hope to resume our participation in this annual contest next year.

Monday, February 1, 2021

February 2021

1. The Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention will be a virtual event this year. However, we are designating Friday, April 16 as a day on which to make this as much of a community experience as possible.

This event is free this year, and it's open to all Upper School and Lower School Latin Club members in good standing. Students should have received (or will soon receive) preliminary information in class, with a sign-up form to follow via email within the next few days. 

2. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest has been moved yet again. As of now, it's on the schedule for Monday, February 22 during X-Block.

Monday, January 4, 2021

January 2021

1. The MUS Department of Classical and Modern Languages will be celebrating National Language Week from January 11-15, 2021. There will be language-themed meals in the Dining Hall, flag decorations in the Upper School 200 hallway, the MUS International Film Festival (during X-Block), and a schoolwide trivia contest.

2. The CAMWS Latin Translation Contest has been tentatively rescheduled for the X-Block period on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. This will involve about 40 Upper School students.

3. The National Latin Exam is tentatively scheduled for the X-Block period on Tuesday, March 2 (for Latin One students) and Thursday, March 4 (for Latin Two through Latin Five). The NLE is required for all MUS Latin students, both Upper School and Lower School, regardless of Latin Club membership.