We have received the results of the 2020 National Latin Exam:
81 Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals
44 Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
13 Magna Cum Laude
12 Cum Laude
Generally speaking, the top 10 to 15% of students nationwide earn Summa Cum Laude, the next 10 to 15% receive Maxima, and so forth. Everyone who scores above the national average qualifies for one of the four awards.
Special recognition goes to the 17 students who earned perfect scores this year:
Latin One: Dannie Dong, Tyler Dang, Wesley Caldwell, David Simpson, Charlie Treadwell, Gabe Chen, Eshaan Patnaik, Evan Wu, Alan Zhou
Latin Two: Varun
Krishnamurthi, Kevin Ma, Frederick Huang
Latin Three: Forest Rudd,
Simeon Betapudi, Mark Hieatt
Latin Four Poetry: Fawwaz
Omer, Max Shackelford
2. Congratulations to Arjun Puri, Akbar Latif, and Matthew
Phillips for receiving recognition for their work in the Bernice Fox Classics
Writing Contest, an annual competition sponsored by Monmouth College (IL). Each
year, this contest selects just one overall cash prize winner but also
recognizes a small number of runners-up with the “Honorable Mention”
designation. The theme of this year's contest: "Hindsight in 2020."