Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Italy Trip

There is a meeting scheduled for students and parents interested in the next MUS Latin trip to Italy (Spring Break of 2020):

Tuesday, February 12
6:00 PM
Dunavant Lecture Hall (Lower School auditorium)

This trip is open to students who will be in Latin Two and Latin Three next school year (i.e., current Latin One and Latin Two students).

Questions? Please contact Mr. Gagliano.

NJCL Exams

Congratulations to the MUS Latin students who earned medals in the NJCL Classical Etymology Exam:

Latin One: Charles Hamlett and Jack Knighton - Bronze

Latin Two: Kerry Zhao, Mark Hieatt, and Matthew Mellone - Gold; Collin Craft, Evan Jones, Simeon Betapudi, and Forest Rudd - Silver; Jack Zaptin - Bronze

Latin Three: Cullen Lonergan - Gold; Fawwaz Omer - Bronze

Anyone who would like to participate in the two remaining NJCL online exams needs to email Mr. Gagliano this week. These are optional activities, open to any Lower School or Upper School students who joined the Latin Club.

Friday, January 4, 2019


Upper Level Certamen practice (i.e., Certamen for students in Latin Three, Four, and Five) will take place Monday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:00 PM in US 216. We will begin Monday, January 7.

Students at any level of Latin who would like to prepare for the Latin convention in April are encouraged to attend.