Thursday, May 24, 2018


This banner is currently on display at the corner of Park and Massey. Thanks for another great year!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

National Latin Exam

Some follow-up announcements about the the 2018 NLE:

Zuhair Somjee, Loyd Templeton, and Ty Williams all received a copy of the prestigious Oxford Classical Dictionary for earning four consecutive Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals on the National Latin Exam. Only 450 students in the nation qualified for this achievement this year.

Chang Yu also received a special book award for earning his fifth consecutive Summa Cum Laude Gold Medal. Only 101 students in the nation qualified for this achievement this year.

Congratulations to these students!

Friday, May 11, 2018


The 6th annual MUS Roman Trigon Championship was held this week in Thomas Amphitheater. Ms. Crews, Ms. McFarlin, and Ms. Poag competed in the faculty undercard, and then Latin Club members William Gooch, Kevlar Singh, and Jacob Musicante donned their togas for the student competition. 

Trigon: An Ancient Roman Ball Game

William Gooch: 2018 Trigon Victor