Sunday, April 22, 2018

Latin Convention Results

Approximately 600 students from 38 schools across the state gathered for the 62nd annual Tennessee Junior Classical State Convention at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville on Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21. I am pleased to report that MUS finished in 1st place overall for the 11th consecutive year. 

A total of 42 Upper School and Lower School students combined to score 1423 points for MUS. Some of the highlights:

Individual Points Leaders (out of the 600 students in the competition, MUS had 5 of the top 6):

6th place: Rob McFadden (87 points)
5th place: Ryan Peng (99)
4th place: Chang Yu (105)
3rd place: Max Shackelford (114)
1st place: Forest Rudd (147)


Novice - 1st place
Intermediate - 1st place
Advanced - 2nd place

Best of Show Awards (high score at the convention, regardless of level of Latin):

Derivates: Rob McFadden
Grammar, Level 1: Forest Rudd
Grammar, Advanced: Rob McFadden
Vocabulary: Chang Yu
Reading Comprehension, Level 1: Forest Rudd / Mark Hieatt (tie)
Reading Comprehension, Level 2: Fawwaz Omer
Mythology: announced as Chang Yu, later corrected to Will Schuessler

And, yes, we also won the Chariot Race.

We are very proud of our students for their perennial commitment to excellence. Congratulations to all of those who were a part of the team this year!


MUS Latin Club members recently completed the 2017-2018 Latin Imperium tournament. Imperium is a customized board game, a Roman Empire-specific version of the traditional board game Risk. The game requires students to use their critical thinking skills and their knowledge of ancient Roman geography to defeat their opponents and claim imperium (the Latin word for “power”) over the entire world.

These four students advanced to the final round of the tournament. Here’s how the final match turned out:

1st: Henry Wood
2nd: Ethan Hurst
3rd: Zuhair Somjee
4th: William Quinlen

Henry Wood, 2018 Imperium Champion; Ethan Hurst, 2018 Imperium Runner-Up

NJCL Online Exam Results

Congratulations to these students for earning recognition in two recent online examinations administered by the National Junior Classical League. Each student's level of Latin is indicated in parentheses.

NJCL Latin Vocabulary Exam:

Gold – Mark Hieatt (1), Forest Rudd (1), George Zhang (1), Fawwaz Omer (2)

Silver – Collin Craft (1), Kerry Zhao (1), Cullen Lonergan (2), Ryan Peng (2), Will Schuessler (2), Loyd Templeton (4), Ty Williams (4)

NJCL Roman Civilization Exam:

Gold – Loyd Templeton (4)

Silver – Forest Rudd (1), Cooper Grinspun (2), Fawwaz Omer (2), Ryan Peng (2), Will Schuessler (2), Brandan Roachell (4)

Fox Contest Results

Congratulations to these Advanced Readings in Latin students for receiving recognition in the 2018 Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest, an annual competition sponsored by the Department of Classics at Monmouth College (IL):

Chang Yu
William Quinlen
Jack Dabov
Call Ford
Ben Gilliland

The contest selects one overall winner and then recognizes a small number of honorable mentions. The topic of this year’s contest: “A Classical ‘Wonder Woman’ Appearing Out of Her Native Context to Save the Day.” Full results are posted on the contest website.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Latin Convention

All students who are going to the upcoming TJCL State Convention should have received a list of final instructions and reminders. There is a mandatory meeting for all of these students in the Wunderlich Auditorium during OP on Tuesday, April 17.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

2018 National Latin Exam

We have received the results of the 2018 National Latin Exam. MUS students received the following awards:

64  Summa Cum Laude (Gold Medals)
35  Maxima Cum Laude (Silver Medals)
27  Magna Cum Laude
7    Cum Laude

Generally speaking, the top 10 to 15% of students nationwide earn Summa Cum Laude, the next 10 to 15% receive Maxima, and so forth. Everyone who scores above the national average qualifies for one of the four awards. This year, 
99% of the students in the MUS Upper School scored above the national average. 

Special recognition goes to the students who earned perfect scores this year:

Latin One: Mark Hieatt, Forest Rudd
Latin Two: Hart Gowen, Ryan Peng, Will Schuessler
Latin Three: Rob McFadden

Congratulations to all of the students who placed in this year's competition!