Monday, February 26, 2018

Italy Trip

The biennial MUS Latin trip to Italy begins next week. Let's hope the weather in Rome improves. Yesterday, the city was hit with a rare snowstorm.

Sledding and snowball fights on the Circus Maximus? Mirabile visu!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Latin Convention

A reminder that the sign-up deadline for the convention is this Friday, February 16. Students should turn in completed permission slips and at least one of the pre-convention writing contests.

Friday, February 2, 2018

TJCL State Convention

Students should have received information about the upcoming TJCL State Convention. This is open to both Lower School and Upper School students who have met these requirements:

1. Be a current Latin Club member.
2. Have at least a B+ average in Latin.
3. Have the Latin teacher's permission (no conduct issues or honor violations).

Paperwork (i.e., permission slips and at least one pre-convention writing contest) is due Friday, February 16.

More information about the convention is posted here.