Tuesday, November 28, 2017

CAMWS Latin Translation Contest

The CAMWS contest will be administered in the Wunderlich Auditorium tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, November 29). We will begin testing at 2:30 PM. Students should bring writing utensils and completed answer sheets (uncrumpled, unfolded, unstapled).

This is required for all Upper School Latin students.

The best way to prepare is to study the Dickinson College vocabulary list.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Latin Fall Festivus Results

Approximately 250 students from the Memphis area attended the 10th Annual Latin Fall Festivus at Germantown High School on Saturday, November 11. About 60 MUS Upper School and Lower School students participated.

Participating institutions included: MUS, St. Mary's, Hutchison, St. Benedict, Westminster Academy, Collegiate School, White Station High School, Germantown High School, Houston High School, Collierville High School, Westwood High School, White Station Middle School, Central High School, and Rhodes College.

MUS winners:

Vocabulary, Level One: 2nd place - Mark Hieatt; 3rd place - Kerry Zhao

Vocabulary, Level Two: 1st place - Max Shackelford; 2nd place -  Fawwaz Omer

Vocabulary, Advanced: 2nd place - Rob McFadden and Chang Yu (tie); 3rd place - Loyd Templeton

Mythology, Level One: 2nd place - Kerry Zhao; 3rd place - George Zhang

Mythology, Level Two: 2nd place - Hart Gowen; 3rd place - Cooper Grinspun

Mythology, Advanced: 1st place - Loyd Templeton; 3rd place - Chang Yu

Open Certamen, Lower Level: 1st place - George Zhang; 2nd place - Ryan Peng; 3rd place - Max Shackelford

Open Certamen, Upper Level: 1st place - Warren Turner, Rob McFadden, Arjun Puri; 2nd place - Loyd Templeton, Ethan Hurst; 3rd place - Chang Yu, Gregory Guo

Discus: 1st place - Kyle Gan

Classical Meme Contest: 2nd place - Cullen Lonergan

Congratulations to all of these students, and thanks to all of the students who came out on a Saturday morning to be a part of the experience!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


The 2017 Latin Fall Festivus will take place this Saturday, November 11 at Germantown High School. Participating students need to be there by 7:50 AM. We will be finished by 11:45 AM.

A list of participating students, activity assignments, and other instructions and announcements is posted here.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CAMWS Latin Translation Contest

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29 from 2:30 to 3:30 PM in the Wunderlich Auditorium. Participation is required for all Upper School Latin students. (Lower School students are not eligible to participate.)

Unlike the National Latin Exam or the Advanced Placement Latin Exam, the CAMWS competition tests general proficiency in Latin by means of a single sight translation passage. There is not, therefore, a specific list of items to study. However, students can prepare for the contest by studying the official vocabulary list and by examining the passages used in previous years.