Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Latin Veterani Dinner

On Monday, October 23, MUS hosted the Latin Veterani Dinner, an annual banquet for “veteran” Latin students in the Memphis area. A total of 67 students and teachers from these schools attended: MUS, GSL, ECS, Briarcrest, St. Mary’s, White Station Middle School, White Station High School, Germantown High School, Houston High School, and Westwood High School. Ms. Dawn LaFon of White Station High School was the featured speaker.

2017 MUS Veterani

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bubones Apparel

For anyone who did not pre-order a hoodie but would like to have one, I do have a couple of extras available in my office for purchase. Also, Mr. Suddarth has some limited edition Latin baseball caps. See him for more information.

Monday, October 16, 2017

NJCL Online Exams

The first NJCL online exam is coming up soon. Any student interested in participating needs to contact Mr. Gagliano by Thursday, October 19. More information about these online competitions is posted here.

Italy Trip Meeting

There is a mandatory meeting for all students who are going on this year's trip to Italy:

Tuesday, October 17
US 216

Monday, October 2, 2017

Officer Election

These students have been elected to serve as Latin Club Senators under the leadership of Latin Club Consul Chang Yu:

Latin Two: Cooper Grinspun
Latin Three: Rob McFadden
Latin Four: Loyd Templeton

T-shirts, magnets, and hoodies should be ready for pick-up in the next two to three weeks. Sign-up for Festivus activities will take place after Fall Break.