Saturday, September 23, 2017

Latin Fall Festivus

Although the weather may still feel like summer, nevertheless, it is time to begin thinking about the 2017 Latin Fall Festivus. Preliminary information is posted here. This is open to any Upper School or Lower School student who joins the Latin Club.

The deadline for payment of Latin Club dues, by the way, is Friday, September 29. An extra $5.00 needs to be added for Festivus participation. More information is posted here.

Friday, September 15, 2017


There will be six opportunities to play Imperium (the ancient Roman version of the board game Risk) this semester. Sessions will run on Wednesday afternoons from 2:20 to 3:20 in Room SCI 2.

Tentative schedule:

        Lower School: September 20, October 18, November 8

        Upper School: October 11, October 25, November 15

Cumulative high scorers will face off in a tournament at the end of the year to determine the overall champions. Latin Club membership is required to participate.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Officer Positions

A reminder: Any Upper School students who want to be included on the ballot for JCL Senate positions need to e-mail Mr. Sellers by the end of this week (Friday, September 15). More information is posted here.

And speaking of leadership opportunities, TJCL is currently seeking to fill a vacancy in the position of 1st Vice-President. If anyone is interested, please let Mr. Sellers know.