Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Banner

Thanks for another great year!

Banner on Ridgeway Road

Romans, Go Home!

Another soon-to-be viral sensation from the Bubones Theatre:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Italy Trip

Registration for the next MUS Latin trip to Italy is open. If you sign up before May 25, you will receive a $300 discount.

For more information, go to this website and log in:

Username: MUS
Password: Italy2018

This trip is open to students who will be in Latin Two and Latin Three next year (2017-2018).

MUS Latin students, on the island of Capri in 2014.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Congratulations to Jack Jabbour for his victory in the 5th Annual Lower School Roman Trigon Championship . . . and to Coach Torrey for entertaining the crowd during the faculty undercard.

Jabbour (center, holding trophy) with the rest of this year's trigon cast and crew.

Coach Torrey, magister trigonis

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Spring Semester Exams

The AP Latin Exam will take place Wednesday, May 17. (This has been rescheduled because of a conflict with another AP course.)

For all other students, MUS language exams are scheduled for Friday, May 19. Exam study guides have been posted to the onCampus page for each class (go to "Topics" and then "Links and Handouts").

Phaedrus Latin Composition Contest

Congratulations to the following Advanced Readings in Latin students for receiving recognition in the 2017 Phaedrus Latin Composition Contest:


Brooks Eikner, Henry Trammell


Aneesh Ram, Rahul Mehra, John McBride, Will Huffman, Chris Kerkhof

This contest, which is sponsored by New St. Andrews College (ID), requires students to write an original Latin fable in the tradition of the Roman fabulist Phaedrus

Trigon Championship

Congratulations to Will Schuessler, Caleb Littlejohn, and Jack Jabbour for advancing to the finals of the Lower School Trigon competition. The championship round will take place during Lower School assembly on Tuesday, May 9 in Thomas Amphitheatre (weather permitting).

Mr. Suddarth with 2014 champion Bays Webb