Is this a picture of 44 MUS Latin students making the "U" sign? Or are they holding up 10 fingers? The answer is yes.
This weekend, 37 schools across the state attended the Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville. MUS finished in 1st place overall for the 10th consecutive year.
This was an impressive team effort, and all of the students on the trip contributed in some way to the 1510 points that MUS scored in a wide variety of Latin-related competitions. Our top performers were Rob McFadden, Brooks Eikner, Kyle Koester, and Ethan Hurst, all of whom finished in the individual top ten at the convention.
All three MUS Certamen teams advanced to the finals, with the Latin One and Latin Two teams winning their respective tournaments. (The Advanced team finished in third place, behind two very strong Certamen teams from middle Tennessee.) Also, the MUS chariot team finished in first place, bouncing back after last year's devastating loss by a mere fraction of a second.
Congratulations to all of the students who were a part of this outstanding group achievement!