Friday, March 31, 2017

Latin Language Appreciation Month

MUS Latin Club Co-Consuls Aneesh Ram and Brooks Eikner proudly display a proclamation from Governor Bill Haslam establishing April of 2017 as Latin Language Appreciation Month in the state of Tennessee.

The MUS Latin program has secured this proclamation from the governor every year since 2014.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

CAMWS Translation Contest

We have received the results of the 2017 Classical Association of the Middle West and South Latin Translation Contest. 985 students in 53 schools in 19 states (and one European country) participated this year.

Top students are recognized with cash awards (top 2-3% of all students), book awards (top 3-8%), and certificates of commendation (top 20%).
MUS winners:

Latin Two: Rob McFadden, Reid Chandler, Cameron Evans, Vijdan Gill, Ben Cramer, Will Portera, Arnab Das, Charlie Eason, Kyle Koester, Gregory Guo

Latin Three: Loyd Templeton, Ty Williams, Ethan Hurst, Philip Wunderlich, Ethan Lam, Bailey Keel, James Blatchford

Latin Four: Chang Yu, Charlie Evans, Jason Wang, Jon Staffel, Jacob Webb, Brad Kerkhof, Matthew Temple, Jackson Howell, Josh Tyler

Latin Five: Brooks Eikner, Rahul Mehra

There were a total of 40 winners in Tennessee. MUS had 28 of them.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Convention Announcements

Final instructions and reminders for the students who are going to next week's TJCL State Convention are posted here.

Comprehensive information about specific convention events is posted here.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Latin Honor Society

Congratulations to the students who have qualified for the Latin Honor Society this year!


1. Be a JCL member.
2. Have an A average in Latin class through the first three quarters of the year. (qualifying average = 1Q + 2Q + EX1 + 3Q ÷ 4)
3. Participate in the Latin Fall Festivus and / or TJCL State Convention.
4. Teacher approval is required (acceptable behavior, no honor violations in Latin class, etc.)

Latin One: Cooper Grinspun, Holden Pate, Will Schuessler, Edwin Shy, Carrigan Sulcer

Latin Three: Louis Allen, James Blatchford, Ethan Hurst, Ethan Lam, Ev Nichol, Brandan Roachell, Sellers Shy, Zuhair Somjee, Jet Tan, Warren Turner, Loyd Templeton, Ty Williams, Henry Wood, Philip Wunderlich

Advanced Readings: Brooks Eikner, Aneesh Ram

(This is just the list for my classes this semester, not the comprehensive MUS list.)

Upper School students will be recognized at the evening awards ceremony on April 12. Lower School students will be recognized at the Order of the Owl ceremony on May 12.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017

Upcoming Convention Tryouts

Mythology Spelling Bee
Tuesday, March 7
Room SCI 2

Chariot Race / Olympika
Wednesday, March 22
immediately after school
Coach Torrey's office