Friday, April 24, 2015

2015 Medusa Mythology Exam

We had a small group of students take the Medusa Mythology Exam this year.  It's a very difficult exam, but I'm pleased to report that all of them placed:

Yunhua Zhao - Silver Medal
Tom Fowlkes, Durand Martin, Richard Ouyang - Corona Laurea
Josh Benton, Jeffrey Zheng - Corona Olivae

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Latin Convention

Thirty schools attended the Tennessee Junior Classical League State Convention in Gatlinburg on April 17 and 18, 2015.  I am pleased to report that MUS won the overall competition for the 8th consecutive year.

Some highlights:

All three MUS Certamen teams (Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced) won 1st place, a very rare TJCL Certamen sweep.  (In fact, I'm not sure if it's ever been done before.)

Richard Ouyang, in winning the Level Four / Five Academic Heptathlon, automatically qualifies for a full scholarship to attend the NJCL convention this summer, a prize worth about $500.

Five MUS students finished in the overall top 10 in the individual points competition: Charlie Evans, Brooks Eikner, Yunhua Zhao, Richard Ouyang, and Jackson Moody.  (Jackson tied for 1st with a student from Hume-Fogg.)

And as for the Chariot Race . . . well, there's always next year.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Convention Meeting

The meeting has been moved to Wednesday, April 15, immediately after school in the Wunderlich Auditorium.

This is mandatory for all Upper School and Lower School students who are going to the convention.

Friday, April 10, 2015

National Latin Exam Results

We have received the results of the 2015 National Latin Exam:

65 Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals
46 Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medals
12 Magna Cum Laude
12 Cum Laude

Generally speaking, the top 10% or so of students nationwide earn Summa Cum Laude, the next 10% get Maxima, and so forth.  Everyone who scores above the national average earns qualifies for one of the four awards.

Special recognition goes to the students who earned perfect scores:

Latin One: Ty Williams

Latin Two: Jackson Howell, Charlie Evans, Jackson Moody, Jacob Webb, Brad Kerkhof, Benton Ferebee, Jason Wang

Latin Three: Tom Wells, Aneesh Ram, Brooks Eikner

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Final convention instructions and announcements are posted here.

All students who are going on the trip must attend a meeting in the Wunderlich on Tuesday, April 14 during OP.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


April is again Latin Language Appreciation Month in the state of Tennessee.

Read more about it here.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Convention - Olympika and Chariot Race

Anyone interested in participating in Olympika or the Chariot Race at the TJCL Convention next week needs to attend a meeting in Coach Torrey's office this Wednesday, April 8, immediately after school.

This is open to both Upper and Lower School students.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


The Lower School Roman Trigon tournament is underway.  Fill your bracket out today!