Friday, January 23, 2015

Latin Convention

To be eligible to attend the convention, students must (1) be in the Latin Club, (2) have at least a B+ average in Latin, and (3) have the permission of the teacher.  

Moreover, students who attend the convention must (1) participate in at least one pre-convention writing contest, (2) take at least five academic tests, and (3) participate in at least one other convention activity.

The information packet for MUS students (logistics, permission slips, etc.) is posted here.

The official TJCL convention packet, which has more detailed information about all of the convention contests, is posted here.

Paperwork is due Friday, February 13.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Course Selection Sheets

It's time to think about foreign language course selection for next year.

Students should come to my office by the end of January to pick up a course selection sheet. These sheets should be signed by parents and returned by February 13, 2015.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Latin One Certamen (Latin quiz bowl) begins next Wednesday, January 14 in LS 106. Starting then, we will practice every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7:15 to 8:00 AM. Practice will run all the way up to the Latin convention in mid-April.

Anyone who is a member of the Latin Club and who has maintained at least a B+ in Latin may try out for the team.