Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Latin Brochure

Click here to see the Fall 2014 version of the MUS Latin brochure.

The brochure includes recent SAT statistics for Latin students vs. non-Latin students. As always, the gap between the two groups is significant. 

Friday, October 17, 2014


Click here to see the list of students who have signed up for Festivus. If this list needs to be corrected, please notify Mr. Sellers ASAP.

Also, Festivus T-shirts will be available for $12.00. If anyone would like to pre-order a T-shirt, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shirts and Magnets

They have arrived. Please pick them up in Mr. Suddarth's office.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Festivus Sign-Up

All students who want to attend the Festivus this year need to sign up by Friday, October 17.  To sign up, simply talk to your Latin teacher.  There is no form to fill out, and there is no money to pay. (We'll use club money to cover registration fees.)  We do, however, expect everyone who signs up to be there.

Academic testing is required for all MUS students.  Other events are optional.

This is open to all US and LS students who joined the Latin Club.

More information is posted here.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Latin Club Senators

We have the results of the JCL senate election. Just as in ancient Rome, the senators will assist and advise the consuls.

We had a lot of well-qualified candidates on the ballot, but unfortunately, only one person per grade level could be elected. Thanks to all of those who offered to serve, and congratulations to the winners:

AP Latin - Will McAtee

Latin Three - Brooks Eikner

Latin Two - Chang Yu