Monday, February 24, 2014

Italy Trip Meeting

We are going to have one last mandatory meeting for all students going on the trip to Italy tomorrow (Tuesday, February 25) during OP in US 216.  We are going to cover some final details, and a member of the school administration is going to offer some reminders about the consequences of disciplinary violations.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


All Latin Club members are invited to attend the opening of Pompeii this Friday, February 21 at the Paradiso.  We will be seeing the 5:15 PM showing (in 3D).  The film is rated PG-13 and has a run time of 106 minutes.  Buy your ticket, meet inside the theater, and settle in for 90 minutes of volcanic debris flying right at your face.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Latin Convention

A reminder that all convention paperwork (permission slips and pre-convention writing contest entries) are due one week from today - Friday, February 21.  All of the information is posted here.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Latin and the ACT

Congratulations to the MUS students who have received perfect scores on the ACT.  As one of them explains in this article, having a strong foundation in Latin certainly helps.

act aces