Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fall 2013 Semester Exams

It is time to start thinking about semester exams.

The exam study guide is posted here.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Festivus Results

Special thanks to all of the parent volunteers who helped make this event possible.  We appreciate your support!

Check the main MUS web page in a couple of days for photographs.

Contest results are posted here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

TJCL Membership Cards and Magnets

Have just arrived.  All Latin Club members should pick them up from Mr. Suddarth's office in the Fine Arts Wing.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Spelling Bee Tryout Update

Same day, same time, different location:

US 216

Mrs. Reinhardt will be the moderator.

Latin Helps

For the students and parents who use Facebook, check out the new TJCL publicity initiative here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Festivus Mythology Spelling Bee Tryout

Wednesday, November 13
2:20 PM
LS 106

The top five students (regardless of level of Latin) will make the Festivus cut.

Final Festivus Reminders

Final instructions / reminders for MUS students attending the Festivus next weekend are posted here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Festivus Lists

There are two lists posted below: (1) the list of MUS students who have signed up to attend the Festivus and (2) the list of specific events that students have signed up for.

We still have room in the Holiday Card Contest, Costume Contest, and Catapult Contest.  Since we have a large number of students interested in the Mythology Spelling Bee, we will have a qualifying round on Wednesday, November 13 at 2:20 PM in LS 106.  The top five spellers will make the Festivus cut.  The list of possible words (along with the study guides for the two academic tests) is posted here.